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Why Guys Masturbate So Much (As Explained By Men)

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Men masturbating is not a bad behavior but a completely normal human process and a completely healthy sexual behavior. During puberty, men have a very high. "The vast majority of men masturbate sometimes — even if they're in a long-term and happy sexual relationship," says Dr. David Devlin. "There. As discussed in Reason #2, masturbation promotes the release of dopamine and oxytocin. In addition to all the warm fuzzies the two chemicals. Masturbation not only develops sexual skills, but also improves cognitive abilities, immunity, eliminates congestion, improves sperm production. Masturbation "keeps the angle of your dangle perky,” Brame says. That's because the smooth muscle of the penis needs to be enriched with oxygen.

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Gorgeous boy nice body and great cum i love it sisters porn. They masturbate if they're single, in a bad relationship, or in a great relationship. It's just something they do that has nothing to do with their partners. Masturbation not only develops sexual skills, but also improves cognitive abilities, immunity, eliminates congestion, improves sperm production. Masturbation is touching or rubbing your genitals, anus, or other parts of your body for sexual pleasure. Male masturbation is when someone. As discussed in Reason #2, masturbation promotes the release of dopamine and oxytocin. In addition to all the warm fuzzies the two chemicals. Masturbation "keeps the angle of your dangle perky,” Brame says. That's because the smooth muscle of the penis needs to be enriched with oxygen.

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