Do Women Like Cum Facials

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Beauty: Women Who Love Facials

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A survey found that 42% of men prefer to cum on a woman's face, but only % of women prefer this. Both women and men. Facials still remain a delicate sexual activity that can be enjoyable by both partners,but this depends on the woman's willingness to accept it. Do women enjoy facials? If your talking about a nice skin cleansing type mask, then yes. However, if you are talking about a lude sexual act. Like a lot of things, it depends on the particular person and the situation, but yes, women can enjoy facials. I like to cum on people or have them cum on me, but more often than not it's probably ended up in a mouth or a condom. I like watching facials.

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What a boring useless vid caramel tube. I like to cum on people or have them cum on me, but more often than not it's probably ended up in a mouth or a condom. I like watching facials. Do women enjoy facials? If your talking about a nice skin cleansing type mask, then yes. However, if you are talking about a lude sexual act. › women-who-love-facials. Like a lot of things, it depends on the particular person and the situation, but yes, women can enjoy facials. However, I don't really enjoy it that much. Getting cum in your eye is really painful, you get it in your nose and in your hair, and you have to.

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Views: 7054 Date: 4/3/2024 Favorited: 261 favorites

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