Girl Wedgie Dare Story

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Walking home through the park, three girls cornered me and took my KFC. The first one put my burger in my panties, half in the front, half in the back. Gross! Once inside the bathroom, Heather pulled out a tube of mint toothpaste.. At0mic-Jukeb0x. Watch him fly, bounce off the ground and crash on his ABDL dare story about a guy who loses a bet and has to wear a diaper. Seems simple but then things escalate! Heavy focus on diaper and sissy. INTERODUCTION Sarah was an ordinary girl attending a new school. She was popular in her old school but a nerd in this school. A wedgie dice dare, for all ages and genders to play with 3 difficulty to choose from! Play for a week and see if you can survive a week full of wedgies! If you.

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Who they joking the sex expertsus freakydeak shit. One: get closer with Grace, the cute, red-headed girl you'd been dating for just about two months now. Second: have a good time with your. Once inside the bathroom, Heather pulled out a tube of mint toothpaste.. At0mic-Jukeb0x. Watch him fly, bounce off the ground and crash on his A wedgie dice dare, for all ages and genders to play with 3 difficulty to choose from! Play for a week and see if you can survive a week full of wedgies! If you. Walking home through the park, three girls cornered me and took my KFC. The first one put my burger in my panties, half in the front, half in the back. Gross! › dudeesque › art › Truth-or-Dare-Wedgie-Story-F-.

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Views: 3938 Date: 2/25/2024 Favorited: 267 favorites

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